English Book

Here We Stand



The church in sixteenth-century Europe needed a reformation. Martin Luther precipitated what we call the Reformation with his famous declaration, “Here I stand!” Is the evangelical church of today equally in need of a reformation? Yes, proclaim eight evangelical leaders:
–David Wells
–R. Albert Mohler
–James Montgomery Boice
–Gene Edward Veith
–Michael Horton
–W. Robert Godfrey
–Sinclair Ferguson
–Ervin Duggan

“Because of our love of Christ, his gospel, and his church,” they affirm in a document called the Cambridge Declaration, “we endeavor to assert anew our commitment to the central truths of the Reformation and of historic evangelicalism.”

Evangelicals “have abandoned the truths of the Bible and the historic theology of the church, which expresses those truths,” writes coeditor Boice. “We are trying to do the work of God by means of the world’s ‘theology,’ wisdom, methods, and agenda instead.” Here We Stand! calls churches to return to the authority of the Bible and to apply it faithfully in their worship, ministry, policies, life, and evangelism.

库存 1 件



书号 Code:O1478
出版社 Publisher:P & R Publishing
出版日期 Publication Year :2004
作者 Author:James Montgomery Boice, Benjamin E. Sasse
页数 Page:208
尺寸:15.5 x 23 cm
重量 Weight:400 g
语言 Language:English
装订方式 Binding:Soft cover
印刷颜色 Printing color :black and white


重量 400 克
尺寸 15.3 × 23 厘米


